
For Kids or Adults?

I have read several blogs where people talk about whether they think Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a story for children or adults.

I personally  think the Disney movie version is for children. But the actual book, I feel is for older students who can fully understand the complexity of the book.

I tried to sit and watch Alice in Wonderland. I turned the TV of before Alice even went down the rabbit hole! I definitely think children should watch the movie.

When we were told we would be reading Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, I was surprised. I had always seen it as a kids story. Not a tenth grade class assignment.

Wow, was I wrong!

I never realized how complex and complicated a childrens story could be. We may over-analyze, but that is just us trying to understand the book. I can not believe how much I have learned from this story!

Tell me what you think. For kids or adults?

2 Responses to “For Kids or Adults?”

  1. 1 Amber W.
    December 3, 2009 at 7:12 am

    I agree with a lot of the things you said, Morgan. Yet, I love the Disney movie! In my opinion, the movie is definitely not limited to only children. (: There is no cutoff age to enjoy a Disney classic every once in a while. Yet, I do agree that others have to be old enough to understand the Annotated Version of Alice.

    Like yourself, when I heard we were reading Alice in Wonderland I never would have thought it was going to to this far into analysis and that I would learn so much about the book. After I went back and watched the movie I understood it so much better due to reading the story and the annotations. I believe Alice in Wonderland is suitable for both children and adults.

  2. December 3, 2009 at 6:40 am

    I will agree that we got a lot more than we bargined for as far as the story goesm howver I have a slightly different oppenion on whether it’s for children or adults. The movie is most defantly for children but, I am not really sure about the book. If you were to read this story to a younger child you could find ways to twist the story so that they understand the basic story and enjoy it as well where as, an older reader could simply pick up the story and would be able to see underlying messages and things like that. So, I believe that both the movie and the book could be suitable for all ages

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